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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 5:10 PM

Clay Center’s new ambulance arrives

Clay Center’s new ambulance arrives
Clay Center’s new ambulance arrived Wednesday, March 12, and is expected to be put to use in the next week. COURTESY OF CLAY COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT| CLAY COUNTY NEWS

After about four years of fundraising and waiting, Clay Center’s new ambulance has finally arrived.

As of Wednesday, March 12, the Clay Center EMS crew added a 2024 Ford F-550 Braun Chief XL ambulance, which will replace the department’s current 1996 ambulance— which was the last time a new one was purchased.

The 2024 ambulance is equipped with the newest and safest technology, including a Stryker Power-LOAD and power cot, which will be essential to loading patients without putting a strain on EMTs and others helping.

Additionally, the department has also purchased a new lifepack monitor, Lucas (CPR machine), and powerstair chair.

In terms of safety, the new ambulance has seatbelts for first responders, allowing them to still give care and move around safely.

The search and fundraising for a ambulance began after the State of Nebraska allocated $150,000 to Clay Center, as well as an additional $50,000 for equipment.

Most of the remaining balance was raised thanks to dedicated work and time by EMS members.

Clay Center EMT Chief Haley Malone said the department wants to give a huge thanks to everyone who donated or attended their many fundraisers.

They gave an additional thanks to the Clay Center City Council and rural board for their assistance with funds.

The ambulance came from North Central Emergency Vehicles out of Lincoln, and will be put into use within the next week after radios are installed.


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