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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 4:18 PM

This time change thing...I’m done with it!


Time passes us by each minute, day, month, and year, but this time change thing....it’s gotta go! As I’ve grown older, and the time changes have come and gone, I’m growing more and more tired of the need for the “fall back” and “spring ahead” time changes each year.

Sunday morning as I woke up, it messed with me, while they say you “lose an hour of sleep” with the spring jump, I didn’t get out of bed until after 9 a.m. and it messed with me all day Sunday, it wasn’t until I went to the Fox Hollow annual meeting Sunday that I felt like I had my bearings with me and even as I closed out the day Sunday, I still felt sluggish.

Nonetheless, I think, whether it’s on the federal level, the state level, or whatever it needs to be, it’s time to stick to one single time frame each year and leave it as it is. Maybe our county board can just implement no time change for Clay County? I say that chuckling, because I do know that is well beyond their abilities to do.

In all seriousness though, I’d like to know from some of my elders, does the time change situation get any better? I’m seriously asking, because Sunday morning, it hit me hard...and I’m not sure why. Please explain that to me, if you feel the need to truly explain to me why this time change hit me harder than ever...remember you can give me your advice to ccntory@gmail. com So as I struggled to get through the “spring ahead” ordeal Sunday, I also appreciated the added daylight at the end of Sunday, because it has also added to my mood of having the added light at the end of the day.

Watching the many kids and families in my neighborhood be active and alive and well was a real blessing. The dogs barking, the laughter whistling through my windows, the bike riding waking me up and the activity becoming more real outside, it was amazing to see life outside come back alive. Maltby Avenue was alive and well again, but with that said, it is also time to be very aware that active kids are again back in our neighborhoods throughout our county. When you’re driving through the streets of Clay County, please be very very aware that our kids are out and about doing “kid things” and being very very active, so pay attention please, as I don’t want to look out the north windows of my home and see something tragic happen.

As my high school basketball coach, Bill Becker, often said, in the middle of a battle, “Be aware of what’s going on around you,” there’s a lot going on around us... pay attention to your surroundings. He, of course, said that to be aware of what’s going on around us on the court, but I’m sharing that we ALL need to be aware that with warmer weather, the kids are more active, and so are our streets and the activity in our streets.

Be safe Clay County!


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