During the Harvard Fire and Rescue’s annual Pancake Feed Saturday, Feb. 1, the Harvard Community Foundation presented a $10,000 donation toward the department’s fundraising efforts for a new ambulance.
As of this donation, HVFD still needs to raise $79,500; their new ambulance is expected to be delivered by November and will be replacing the department’s current 1999 ambulance.
The Harvard Foundation’s donation comes from several donations from community members, many of which are specifically designated to go toward the ambulance fund.
“Thank you for everything you do for our community,” Glen Becker, a Harvard Foundation board member said. “We’re very fortunate.”
The new ambulance comes at a cost of $316,400; $120,000 of which was paid for by the ARPA grant the department received from the State of Nebraska.
So far, the department has made a down payment of $47,460, with the rest of the cost coming in from fundraising efforts and donations.