Holiday time is always that time of year when we all scramble, run, and go hard, whether it’s chasing games, holiday events, or kids in all types of activities. The scrambling certainly makes life around the Clay County News office pretty hectic, as well.
This week, as you will see, is our yearly Christmas Wishes special edition, chock full of kids drawings, that are supported by local business. We couldn’t do this annual issue without the generous sponsors of the kid’s drawings.
Nor could we do the Christmas Wishes special edition without the support of all four of our schools and their teachers, as well as the students creating the drawing. I thank our great sponsors, the students, staff, and educators at Sutton, Sutton Christian School, Sandy Creek, and Harvard. We thank you all greatly for your support.
This year, the Christmas and New Year holidays will likely mess up the delivery of your Clay County News, as both holidays are on Wednesdays this year, our usual “drop day” for the papers.
We will have papers for Dec. 25, and Jan. 1 delivered around the county, and in the mail for out-ofcounty subscribers each Tuesday, so Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
The deadlines for each week’s paper will be at noon, Thursday, Dec. 19, and Thursday, Dec. 26.
As I shared, it is likely that both of those issues will be dealt a “delivery blow” in some areas, so we ask that you be patient, as delivery on a weekly basis can be a challenge, even if it’s not on a holiday, but the next two weeks might be even worse for some of you reading our paper.
Thank you to all who subscribe, as it really makes what we do for a living here at the CCN worthwhile.
We feel that the paper we put out each week for you to read is not only viable, but it is important that we keep our paper strong and alive.
While we may miss some events and activities at times, our small staff works hard to bring you the local highlights of weekly activities throughout the county. One of my long-time colleagues and his wife, at last report, will be shutting down their newspapers in Ainsworth and Valentine. This saddens me deeply to see this happening, but they face the same battles that all small-town weekly newspapers face, that of social media, and people and organizations not sharing information through the means of advertising in our papers, as well as, sending information to us to share in story formats to help promote their events and activities.
It is impossible for us to spend hours on social media finding out information about events and activities that are going on in our communities and school districts.
So I’m hopeful, with all of the challenges that we face on a weekly basis, that the next two weeks go as smoothly as possible, but this week, I felt that it was important to share that if you don’t get your paper on its usual delivery date, it is because of the way the Christmas and New Year holidays are hitting this year.
Thank you in advance for your patience and Merry Christmas, and have a Happy New Year.