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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 4:57 PM

Election is nearing

Election is nearing

Dear Editor, The 2024 election is getting closer. I want to encourage you to vote and vote informed. We live in a constitutional republic.

Our founders, with God as their foundation, gave us this form of government to exercise our freedom to select our leaders. So, when people are discouraged with the whole political system and choose not to vote, they are actually voting for evil.

I think one of the reasons that we got to where we are today in America is that evangelical Christians are not voting.

In the last election, 25 to 35 million Christian Americans didn’t vote. People died so we could vote our convictions and I pray that Christians will take advantage of the privilege we have to vote.

There is no perfect candidate. So how do you choose the best possible candidate? Look at their previous voting records. What are their positions on this issues?

You might consider the issues of abortion, taxes, Israel, or the border. Choose the issues that are the most important to you and then vote for the candidate who most closely mirrors your values.

I’ve found a site that is very helpful. It is voterguide. flatwaterfreepress.org. You’ll find easy to understand explanations of the ballot measures (just a quick not on the abortion referendums—if you’re prolife, vote FOR on 434 and NO on 439 (nein)).

Click on the candidates button, you can get information on the judges. Look for District 10 and the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court.

To compare the presidential nominees, go to frcaction.org/ voterguides. This presidential voter guide compares the two candidates on 13 issues. Then select the I voter guide for federal and state races. When you give your physical address, you’ll be able to learn about all of the candidates.

There may be other sites with this same information, but I think you’ll find these are the easiest from which to gain information. Read the articles in the Clay County News to be informed.

Nothing affects us as much as God and politics or government. Our government can get better if we will be diligent in electing the better candidates. Then we can lessen evil and stand with courage for the truth.

Vote for policy, not party.

~ Pamela Stahl, Sutton Resident


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